Lady GaGa si Justin Bieber - marii castigatori ai MuchMusic Awards
calendar_month 13 Aug 2015, 00:00
Cel mai important eveniment muzical al verii, premiile MuchMusic Awards 2011, a avut loc duminica seara la Toronto, in Canada si a adunat la start zeci de artisti. Gazda show-ului a fost Selena Gomez.
Marii castigatori ai galei, la categoriile internationale, au fost Lady GaGa si Justin Biber, care au plecat acasa cu cate doua premii de fiecare. UR Fave International Video (¬Born This Way¬) si International Video of the Year ¬ Artist (¬Judas¬) sunt cele doua premii castigate de Lady GaGa la MuchMusic Awards.
De cealalta parte, Justin Bieber a castigat primele sale premii la MuchMusic, in tara natala. Cantaretul a obtinut trofeele UR Fave Artist si International Video of the Year by a Canadian (¬Babay¬).
Printre ceilalti castigatori MuchMusic Awards s-au numarat Taio Cruz si Far East Movement.
Castigatori MuchMusic Awards 2011
Video of the Year: Shawn Desman - `Electric/Night Like This`
Post Production of the Year: Danny Fernades ft. Belly - `Automatic`
Cinematographer of the Year: Blake McGrath - `Relax`
Director of the Year: Sean Wainsteim for You Say Party - `Lonely''s Lunch`
Pop Video of the Year: Down With Webster - `Whoa Is Me`
MuchLOUD Rock Video of the Year: Abandon All Ships - `Geeving`
MuchVIBE Hip-Hop Video of the Year: Classified - `That Ain''t Classy`
MuchFACT Indie Video of the Year: JDiggz ft. Neverending - `White Lights`
International Video of the Year - Artist: Lady GaGa - `Judas`
International Video of the Year - Group: Far East Movement ft. The Cataracs, Dev - `Like a G6`
International Video of the Year by a Canadian: Drake - `Find Your Love` and Justin Bieber ft. Usher - `Somebody to Love (Remix)`
MuchMusic Most-Watched Video: Taio Cruz - `Dynamite`
UR Fave Video: Fefe Dobson - `Stuttering` UR Fave
International Video: Lady GaGa - `Born This Way`
UR Fave Artist: Justin Bieber ft. Usher - `Somebody to Love` (remix)