Kayne West, Bill Clinton si Daniel Craig, barbatii anului 2007
calendar_month 13 Aug 2015, 00:00
Numarul lunii decembrie al revistei GQ prezinta topul "Barbatii anului 2007", un clasament realizat anual de celebra revista. Pentru editia din acest an, editorii revistei GQ au pregatit trei variante de coperta, vedetele alese din acest top fiind rapperul Kanye West, fostul presedinte american Bill Clinton si actorul Daniel Craig.
"Sunt numarul unu in muzica"
Introducerea lui Kanye West in acest top este strans legata de performantele sale muzicale din acest an.
Intr-un interviu acordat unui post de radio american in luna septembrie, Kanye spunea: "Sunt artistul numarul unu din lume in acest moment. Vreau sa se stie asta. Asta inseamna ca orice alta fiinta de pe planeta se afla pe locul doi.
Va aflati in prezenta unui campion". Odata cu lansarea albumului "Graduate", Kanye West a reusit sa-l surclaseze fara drept de apel pe concurentul lui 50 Cent.
De curand, rapper-ul a suferit o tragedie cumplita, mama lui decendand dupa o operatie estetica.
Revenind la top, printre barbatii anului 2007 ii mai regasim pe Javier Bardem, Cate Blanchett (pentru rolul Bob Dylan), Roger Federer sau Tom Hanks.
Dar iata lista "Barbatilor anului 2007"
Bill Clinton - Public Citizen
Daniel Craig - Leading Man
Kanye West - Graduate
Casey Affleck - Breakout of the Year
Judd Apatow, Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, and Paul Rudd - Comedy Mafia
Javier Bardem - Villain
Brad Bird, director of `Ratatouille` - Innovator
Cate Blanchett, in `I`m Not There` - Performance of the Year
Mike Bloomberg, Mayor of the City of New York - Maverick
Boise State vs. Oklahoma at the Fiesta Bowl - Game of the Year
Josh Brolin - Tough Guy
Cast of `Mad Men` - Instant Classic
David Chang of New York`s Momofuku - Chef
David Chase, creator of `The Sopranos` - Final Act
Simon Cowell - Mastermind
John Cusack - Comeback
Daft Punk - Trailblazers
Daria - Supermodel of the Year
Sgt. Joshua Delgado and the new breed of Army medics in Iraq - Unsung Heroes
Roger Federer - Court King
Tom Hanks - Icon
Emile Hirsch - Wild Man
Ryan Howard, first baseman, Philadelphia Phillies - Slugger
Lil Wayne - Workaholic
Josh Marshall, founder, Talking Points Memo - Muckraker
James McAvoy - British Import
Derek O`Dell, student, Virginia Tech - Lifesaver
Hayden Panettiere - Obsession of the Year
Ron Paul, presidential candidate - Dark Horse of the Year
Alex Rodriguez - Hit Man
Seth Rogen - Father of the Year
Mark Ruffalo - Secret Weapon
Julian Schnabel - Visionary
Jason Schwartzman - Cool Kid
John Smeaton, baggage handler, Glasgow International Airport - Employee of the Year
Channing Tatum - Man of Next Year
Robin Thicke and Rihanna - Smooth Operators
John Varvatos - Designer of the Year
Shaun White - Reinvention